Issue Position: Water

Issue Position

Our California farmers feed the nation, but they have been totally neglected. As a native Angeleno, I am constantly reminded of the hard work our farmers (and the many immigrants that work the farms) because I drive through Ventura and along the Grapevine constantly. Farming in California is so critical to our state, and to the nation. So to neglect these people is horrible, and it must stop. We need to build more reservoirs and we need them now. And we need to look realistically at the problem. We can't allow smelt fish, for example, to completely handicap our California farmers and their water supplies. To me, this is a prime example of our government failing by over restricting, especially during these most recent brutal droughts that California has experienced. We need to come up with creative ways to get help our farmers and get them water. That's a critical component in my race for California Governor.
